Your New Frequency with Kristina Furia

Intelligent Hydration & Food Vibration w/ Tracy Duhs

Kristina Furia Season 1 Episode 16

On this week’s episode, I have Tracy Duhs as my guest! Tracy is a modern wellness advocate, specializing in the restorative powers of intelligent hydration. I first interacted with her while dealing with some health issues and I was so blown away with her take on health and wellness (including the vibration of your food and water), that I had to share it with you all! After getting multiple complicated diagnoses for what turned out to be a simple constipation issue, Tracy understood that it was the lack of information that had her suffering for so long. She has since become passionate about educating people on how to keep their bodies in an energetic balance so they can prevent health issues in the first place. You will love her approach to taking the power of your health back by going back to the basics.

 I know there are so many of us that are overwhelmed with the amount of information on what to eat, when to eat or how to eat. Of course, we all set out with good intentions to make healthier choices but sometimes we make it so complicated, that we end up feeling frustrated and not making any changes at all.

 In this episode, Tracy gives easy to implement tips that are going to help you learn how to thrive and not just survive! She shares how to go from good, better and best with the information provided so we can feel empowered in our bodies.

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Kristina Furia (00:02):

Welcome to the, your new frequency podcast with me, Kristina Furia, this podcast is all about teaching you how to tap into the hidden potential that exists within and all around you. There is so much more to life than what most of us have been taught, and we are so much more powerful than what most of us can even fathom. So my intention is to help you to not just understand that intellectually, but to develop such a deeply felt sense of inner knowing that there is no of their conceivable choice except to embody this truth and to use it to go forward in creating a life that you are absolutely in love with.

Kristina Furia (00:57):

Well, I am so excited to have Tracy dues on the podcast today. Tracy is a modern wellness advocate specializing in the restorative powers of intelligent hydration. She is also the founder of the sanctuary wellness experience in San Diego, where I am a client. And so I came to know Tracy. She, he is the host of the hydrate podcast and also director of the international brain summit. And honestly, that's just a short list of all the amazing things that Tracy does and has done, but I wanted to keep the intro brief. So I didn't include everything. Tracy is absolutely amazing. And I know you guys are going to love this episode. So without further ado, let's introduce Tracy, what is up?

Tracy Duhs (01:52):

Hey girl, thanks for having me on your show today. I feel so excited to be here.

Kristina Furia (01:57):

Oh, thank you for agreeing to do this. So excited to have you and just talk about all of the amazing things that you do and know like, thinking about what I wanted to ask you about. I was having a hard time nailing down, down, like what I wanted to touch on, because truly you're such a wealth of knowledge. So yeah. Thank you so much for, for agreeing to do this chat.

Tracy Duhs (02:20):

Oh, well it's an honor. It's been so much fun getting to, to know you. It's like, there's certain people that you meet in your life where it's great, but then there's people words extra great. And uh, so I really enjoy getting to know you and Angela, you guys are so much fun. Aww. Such a light in the

Kristina Furia (02:37):

World. Aw, you too, right back at you. So let's talk a little bit about exactly what you do. So you call yourself a modern wellness advocate and those are beautiful words, but like at the level of how you actually help people, which I know you help people in many ways, what is it that you're really? What is it that you actually do?

Tracy Duhs (02:59):

Yeah. So I had to ask myself that question quite a few times because <laugh>, I do so many things and I, this year was the year of pruning where I was like, I'm doing a lot of things, but I wanna become laser focused. And so when I say modern wellness advocate, it's really, I wanna for people's health advocate for wellness and not, um, preventative care. Basically I wanna advocate for people being as healthy as they can be without, um, having to get sick, go to the hospital, get medication, go to the doctors, like, do you the basic things. So I advocate for drinking water, connecting to the earth, getting sunlight, moving, having connected, loving community, laughing the basics that cost us nothing. And taking people back to the basics and helping them understand how important it, so my services go from, you know, the podcast where I interview the different scientists and helping people understand the basics all the way up to our luxury wellness retreat, which is $1,100 for three days. So, I mean, there's every different, you know, thing through the gamut that you could experience. Um, because I, I think that everyone is looking for a different type of experience. And so I wanna, I wanna meet my clients at the level that's right for them.

Kristina Furia (04:30):

Totally. And I know for me, my first time at sanctuary, which is your, you know, like brick and mortar here in San Diego, I was so wild by the technology that you have and just what it does. So will you talk a little bit about the EAV machine and just like how it actually works because it's honestly like literally one of the coolest things I've ever experienced.

Tracy Duhs (04:56):

Yeah. I feel the same about it. Being able to really look at the body from a bio energetic bioelectrical way. Um, and the biofield is so empowering. It's empowered me because of this technology. We don't need to wait until we're sick in order to do something about it. We can see what's in the field and what's coming the physical manifestation before it does. Um, and this is where true preventative care comes from. Even Dr. Oz said that energy medicine is the future of medicine and, and we're starting to see that that is very true. And so this is basically energy medicine, and we're looking at 50 to Meridian points in the body. We look at, um, Chinese Meridian points and German Meridian points that were set up by VO, who was a doctor that owned a hospital. He's a German doctor. And he, um, really invented this machine where we can look at the resistance in the Meridian points.

Tracy Duhs (06:03):

And if there's me resistance, we can also see what brings the body back into balance. If it's a supplement, if it's an emotional change, if it's, uh, physical change, if there's something that we need to do, or basically just looking to bring the body back into homeostasis, back into balance so that, um, there isn't any stress or resistance in any of those meridians. And when we do that, we begin to thrive, not just survive. And so I have so much fun doing this because I get to take people from maybe good to great and, or, you know, there's people that are coming in that are very sick and we get to help give them hope again and feel empowered in their body.

Kristina Furia (06:50):

Yeah. So to give you guys an example, I mean, just so mind blowing that this even happened. So to be beginning of the pandemic, I had a dental thing happening, like bottom, the bottom left side of my mouth. And because of the pandemic, it like took longer than it should have to get it all fixed. And like, basically I had what I like to call dental trauma mainly <laugh> because I like hate the dentist so much. I was traumatized, but like literally I had trauma at the level of what was happening in my, my mouth. And so the first time I had a session with Tracy, the number one thing that like showed up on her machine that she's talking about was that I had a lymphatic drainage issue in the left jaw. And so literally what had been playing out in my mouth had an in my, with, with, you know, within my lymphatic system and the machine picked that up, like that is not something that my doc, my dentist or doctor was able to share with me. The, my dentist was just like, okay, well, you have a feeling now. And so you're fine, but Tracy's, um, you know, this EAV machine, it hack actually allowed for me to come into the awareness that there was something deeper going on that like needed to be ReMed. And then she was able to give me the necessary. Um, I don't know, Tracy would, what you gave me is that would that be called like a supplement, the like lymphatic drainage stuff.

Tracy Duhs (08:17):

Uh, we chose a homeopathic remedy for you. So that was a homeopathic remedy that we had imprinted with the specific frequencies that were, uh, resonating with your body to bring that back into balance and help the lymphatic system drain. But also with that, a lot of times when there's tooth, uh, things going on, it's important to go see the dentist because dental infections are the only infections in the body that the body can't heal itself of. Uh, the body can heal any other infections if it has the right tools, but dental infections, they, it cannot. So that's why, uh, a real good bio dentist is important to have

Kristina Furia (08:58):

Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, yeah, for sure. But, you know, just at the level of the fact that that machine was able to like, tell us that, I mean, I just, it's just the wildest thing to me. So anyway, without going on about that forever, I wanted to ask you, and I didn't at the beginning, did you like get into this particular work? You know, because it's a little bit unique, it's definitely alternative, as you said, now, people like Dr. Oz are noticing and, and acknowledging that energetics are wildly important, but, you know, I know you've been doing this work for a while now, when it was actually much less main stream than it is now, and it's still not mainstream. So yeah. How did you originally find your way into this work?

Tracy Duhs (09:43):

Well, you know, I started in pre-med when I was 15 years old and, uh, I've been passionate about it my whole entire life <laugh> and it took me going down an alopathic route to realize that it wasn't resonating with me, the alopathic medicine. I felt like there was, uh, limitations and I didn't feel empowered. And I thought, why do we have to get sick to then cut things out and mask it with pharmaceuticals? And I'm not saying pharmaceuticals are all bad. So, I mean, they save people's lives, but if we can prevent being sick, why are we not doing that? And I feel like as Americans, we don't necessarily do a good job of it because we haven't been given the tools or the education, how to do it. So after shadowing a doctor and an in this village in Guatemala for a while, and being able to shadow him in surgery and giving vaccinations and all the things that he did, I realized I don't wanna cut people open and <laugh>, I don't wanna see people get sick and then have them come to me when they're already really ill.

Tracy Duhs (10:52):

I wanna help people thrive and everyone wants to thrive. Everyone wants to feel healthy. So I started really just searching for alternative roots, but it wasn't until I had a severe mineral imbalance in the pregnancy with my precious daughter, grace, that I started to realize, oh my gosh, we are 98.9% water molecules. Why is the, it's not a thing? Why are more people not talking about this and how these water molecules they're the, water's the conduit for all the electrical currents that go through our body that cause the, that help with the cellular communications. So our cells can do what they need to do. And if we don't, if we're our minerals are out of balance, then we not gonna have the proper cellular communication. And then our cells are gonna get sick and they're not healthy. And they're bathed in an unhealthy, extra cellular fluid and matrix.

Tracy Duhs (11:49):

And so once I started learning all this, I was like, oh my gosh, I, I really want to, uh, know more. And then my daughter actually, at two years old, ended up getting vaccine injured. And that was just, she ended up getting alopecia, Hashimoto thyroid. And that was like, I told myself, I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever I have to do to help get her better. And so that was like became my mission. But, you know, as you learn so many things and shadow doctors all around the world, and I went back to school to go to a PhD program and energy medicine, because I wanted to know more. And, uh, it was like, then I realized now I have all this information and I can't just keep it to myself. I get to help others too. <laugh> so that's where like the passion is now.

Tracy Duhs (12:41):

And it's just, it's so much fun, Christina. I, I love, love, love what I do. I love having people come into my clinic who have been in chronic pain for 20 years. And within a months, seeing them come in and say, I'm 90% better. I've never felt this good. And it's from simple fixes, bringing them back to the basics. Mm. And, and, and that's why I love the EAV because it can see things that are in your field before it's in your pathology. So before you get sick and it's showing up in your blood or your urine or whatever pathology test you're having the EAV can really see the patterns in your body because everything in physics starts with, uh, vibrational frequency. And then that becomes the photons of light. And the photons of light together are the matter that we are. And, and that's a oversimplification, but if you break it down and do some Def to reasoning, we realize that if there's dissonance in our field or there's something out of balance in our vibratory frequency, then if we do something about it, we can get, we can get to the DISE at the root.

Kristina Furia (13:53):

Right. Right. And that's what makes your work and just the work of energy medicine. So wildly powerful. And, you know, then sort of to go along with that, I just wanted to touch on something that you had said about, you know, giving people the tools, like really literally empowering people with, with knowledge, because to your point about most Americans not knowing, I mean, as you said, that I had this flash of how I used to start my days in terms of nutrition I used to, and this is like so sad that I didn't realize this, but I used to almost every single morning, have a bagel with cream cheese and then, uh, a Chi tea latte, which if you've ever looked at like the ingredients of a chai tea latte, the sugar is off the chart. So I was starting the day with sugar carbs, gluten and dairy.

Kristina Furia (14:50):

And it's like, no wonder, I felt kind of like most of the time. And that's just one little example, but it's like, you know, I'm an educated woman. And I didn't, I didn't know that that was a problem. I sort of knew a little bit like, oh, cha has a lot of sugar in, and I probably shouldn't have it every day. But like, I didn't know that I was literally giving my body just the wrong things. And so when we become empowered with knowledge, then it's like, we can start making new decisions. And, and it really is. It's preventative, you know, like we make decisions when we're young and healthy, so that as we grow older and, you know, just move through life, we can continue to be healthy and thriving and not be like, oh, well, you know, I'm 50. So now I'm old and feel, like, no, you're 50 and you're young and you should feel amazing because, you know, you've treated your body in a way that's conducive to that.

Tracy Duhs (15:45):

Absolutely. A hundred percent agree with you. And I'm sure when you're doing that bagel and Chi tea, you thought you were doing something good for yourself. And you felt like you wanted to, uh, take care of your body because you do love yourself, but it was just a lack of information and a lack of education, which isn't your fault. It's I, I truly believe that children in elementary school and junior high and high school, they, it should be mandatory to learn more about nutrition, learn more about your body, learn more about even your, your biofield and the soil and the crop so that we can all work together to make a better future. And if we're not educated, then we're just, we don't know. You don't know what you don't. No.

Kristina Furia (16:34):

<laugh>. Yeah, absolutely. And to your point about like, you know, me thinking that it wasn't a bad thing that I was doing, like, yeah. It used to be when I was younger, I wouldn't ever wake up early enough to eat breakfast. So like me being like, wow, in the morning I go to the coffee shop and I make time for a bagel with cream cheese. And my Chi, like, I did think that I was doing something that was good, but it's also, you know, I'm the same person who, you know, I went to Catholic school. I don't know if they did this in public school too, but for all eight years of like, you know, lower education, elementary school, middle school at recess, we had a soft pretzel. Like, so every single day of the week I ate a soft pretzel. So I had absolutely no frame of reference that maybe I didn't wanna be putting, you know, that much like flour and gluten and whatever into my body. Like, I just didn't know, because I always was, I was raised in an environment where that was very much normal and, you know, I'm sure that maybe things have in terms of what kids are eating today. Like maybe, I don't know, but we're still, we haven't gotten there yet as a society. I don't think where we're like, here's what you should have. And here's why it's important. You know, it's just not happening in the mainstream.

Tracy Duhs (17:50):

Yeah. I hundred percent agree. And, and that's why I feel so passionate about what I do, because just like you, I was doing something similar, eating bread and cheese and nuts all day. And I, I thought that I was eating a healthy diet and, and it was just lack of awareness and lack of education. And I was having severe complicated migraines. I actually had to get pulled out of school. My, uh, in my senior year, my, um, a semester of school because I was in the hospital so much with migraines. I had my driver's license taken away because I had a migraine while I was driving. And I passed out because the migraines were so bad. And the interesting thing is this was all because of constipation. And it's embarrassing to say that, but I wanna talk about it because it was something that had no idea.

Tracy Duhs (18:46):

People don't talk about bowel movements. Usually I don't talk about their poop. You know, I just thought I'll go to the bathroom once a week. Like, this is great. It doesn't smell. I don't sit on the toilet. Like I was skinny. I had a flat stomach. Like, it didn't seem, I didn't have a bloated stomach. It didn't seem like that was a problem. It was like totally out of my, out of my frame of thought. And so when I was going to neuro and doctors that were trying to put me on medication, doing get cat scans, MRIs, like to figure out why I was having these crazy migraines. And it wasn't until I got into health and wellness deeper that I realized it had to do with my microbiome being off. And then I was having constipation and it was just a backup of toxins in my body.

Tracy Duhs (19:34):

Wow. So, but that's something that it was like, it wasn't talked about. It's not okay to talk about. It's not sexy to talk about. It's not dinner, dinner, table conversation, you know, so now I really wanna advocate for helping people to understand that maybe your health symptom aren't as complicated as you think they are. They might be really simple. We were making my health situation more complicated than it needed to be. So I, I wanna help people get back to the basics of health and help them realize, like, give them this empowerment that you're probably just simple, fixed away from feeling better.

Kristina Furia (20:14):

Mm-hmm <affirmative> so what do you consider to be, I'm not gonna ask you to like give advice cuz obviously that's, you know, sometimes it's just tricky with like generalizing for the public, but what do you deem to be a really healthy day of eating for you

Tracy Duhs (20:33):

Love that question. It's a great question. But what's interesting is that changes all the time based on the season, based on how much energy I'm exerting based on the stress load that I have, um, what's available to me <laugh> so all of those things come into play and I want people to realize this as well. Like your body is constantly changing. Your biochemistry is changing. Everything's in flux, inside of you based on many different things. And that is your mindset, your environment, your, you know what you're doing that day, how much you worked out. So I guess to, to make it simple, I really listen to my body. I try to get really in tune with it and be, I, I think just thinking in, in basic ways like, Hmm, what are hydrating foods? I wanna make sure that I get really hydrating foods in.

Tracy Duhs (21:33):

I wanna make sure that I'm not eating processed food. So I don't typically buy boxed foods if it has a label on it. I'm limiting that I really don't. I'm not doing the crackers, the anything in a package, um, that has a label. So for example, I love like sweet potatoes. I'll cut up sweet potatoes and steam 'em and I'll steam some, uh, broccoli and put some olive oil and salt on it. And that's a great breakfast. That's not every day like mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you know, sometimes I'm eating eggs sometimes I'm not, it depends. Like I feel like it's really hard to get a hold of corn and soy free eggs. Um, so as long as something is just in its purest form, I don't feel food is bad. It's how we process the food. It's how the food is grown. It's how that, that, that animal is grown.

Tracy Duhs (22:32):

It's how it's killed, how it's treated, what it ate, all of those things really really matter. So an egg isn't just an egg, it can be literally toxic poison in your body, or it can be dynamic nutrition based on what that chicken egg, how that chicken lived, how it was, you know, um, processed, was it heated at a high temperature? You know, all of these things, the way we cook it, is it cooked in a toxic caustic oil, high temperatures, or, um, you know, did you cook it at a low temperature in, in, uh, GE or something like that? I would say low and slow is really good. So there's many things that go into it. We can't just say that broccoli's broccoli or an egg is an egg there. It it's. We really wanna get down to getting in touch with our food, getting really connected with the local farmers and really be building a relationship with them and understanding where our food came from.

Tracy Duhs (23:39):

And then that also brings in another aspect. It gives us the, for the food. I really believe that prayer over our food, isn't just this religious thing that you do it. It's literally sending that vibrational frequency of gratitude all throughout your body. Your whole biochemistry can change from this anxious fight or flight state to a state of gratitude and rest and restore where you can actually absorb and uptake the nutrients from your food. The state of mind that we're in has a dynamic impact on how we process our food. So there's many aspects that go into it, it's it really isn't that simple, but it can be <laugh>, mm-hmm, <affirmative> get in touch with your food, eat hydrating food, get to know the farmers and, and, and be grateful for your food.

Kristina Furia (24:34):

I love that so much, this idea of, of actually flowing gratitude to, towards your food and how that could change the vibration of it. I'd never really thought of that before, but that's so powerful. And obviously just knowing what I know about energetics, it makes a ton of sense, and I will be implementing that starting, you know, later today at lunch <laugh>.

Kristina Furia (24:58):

So let's talk about water. One of my favorite things about you is that like me, you are also obsessed with water. I isn't always obsessed with water, but when I started studying the work of Joe Dispenza, who I know is someone, you know, through, um, your schooling, um, he talks a lot about water because the presence of fluoride in water, which all water that you would get from a tap, uh, is gonna have fluoride in it. It causes a calcification of the penal gland and the penal gland is really a power. Uh, I'll sort of butcher this, but basically the penal gland is a something that exists inside of our brains. And it's sort of like the con the connections point to the quantum field. So basically having fluoride is really bad for that. And so finding water that was fluoride free, became a bit of a mission of mine. So Tracy is also all about water, but I mean, I know you covered way more than just the fluoride piece. It's really about what you gain from water as well. So will you talk a little bit about that and, and you know, how to find good water, how to know what water is good and what water is, you know, maybe not.

Tracy Duhs (26:15):

Yeah, the, that's a great thing to bring up about, uh, the pine gland and how it can get calcified. And, um, it really just brings an awareness to how important water is and the impact that it's making on our bodies on our physical body. But beyond that, not just our physical body, our spiritual body, our energetic body water has its own consciousness that I believe. And it's, it's something that's so dynamic. I mean, why are we made out of 98.9% water molecules and water? Isn't the air around us. It's literally everywhere. The earth is covered in, you know, three fourth water, the molecules of air, what we're breathing, they're in our environment, they're in our body. It's the most renew resource. There is water, you know, could be a puddle on the ground and evaporates. And it goes back into the environment and comes back to us.

Tracy Duhs (27:10):

So from the beginning of time, there's the same amount of water that there always was. And <laugh>, it's just there. And since we're made up of water and water is so worst receiver of all information, it comes in contact with that makes you start to think, or gives us the opportunity to do some critical thinking and go, Hmm, what kind of impact is the environment that I'm in or the environment around me having on the body of water that I am. And what kind of impact is the kind of water that I drink having on the body of water that I am, because when you're taking in molecules in your body, they're, you're placing them for other molecules. So like every seven years we, we completely renew ourselves. So what kind of molecules do you wanna be made up of? So when I'm drinking water, I wanna think about living water.

Tracy Duhs (28:14):

I don't want dead water. I want living water. I wanna be alive. I wanna be living. I wanna be vibrant. I want to be have vitality. And so I, I want water. That's closest to nature in nature. Water's vortex, it's moving, it's rich with minerals. It's, um, it, it has a pureness and an energetic, um, living, living frequencies to it. And a, also the physics of it is different. The way the hydrogen and oxygen molecules are connected is a different structure than when you get water out of the tap. So when you look at water, we wanna make sure that our water is chemically clean. We wanna make sure that the physic of it is right. We wanna make sure that the bio energetics is correct. And so that seems overwhelming, but I like to say, let's just break water down and build it back up because yes, water has been adulterated. And when we're drinking this dead adulterated water, it's becoming the body of water that we are. So let's take water. Like say, you take water from the tap. You wanna break it down. You wanna get that caustic, toxic chemical contamination out of it. So most people filter their water. They'll use a bread, filter, a carbon filter, a reverse osmosis filter. People have different forms of filtration in their home.

Tracy Duhs (29:51):

I really like reverse osmosis or distillation because I feel that the reverse osmosis membranes are very comprehensive. And you can to assure that it's probably getting out the chemical contamination of the water that you don't want, but then that also leaves the water and coherent. It doesn't have a structure it's lacking minerals, it's dead, it's hungry water. It's lacking that. Um, by that information, that, that gives water, that, that special, uh, nature that it has. I mean, water's a conduit for all of our electrical impulses in our body, and it's just moving and flowing through us. But if we don't have minerals, we're gonna be very dehydrated. So is it really the minerals that make water like living it's more than that, the minerals, but then in order for water to be a crystalline structure, it needs minerals. If you look at your crystals that you have many people have crystals, that's made up of minerals, it's a mineral structure.

Tracy Duhs (31:00):

So when you take the mineral out of water, yes, it becomes this dead and nurtured thing. That's not able to hydrate us the way that we need to be. But beyond that water also has it carries information. So whatever it comes in contact with, that's actually gonna change the physics of the water. It, we, we're starting to see that it can change the, the physics of the water. Um, it, it's taking on the information of the environment that it's been around. So I love vortex water. So after you filter your water, then re mineralize your water. It's really imp to vortex the water because that's deleting all of the information that that water has received on its way to you, chemical contamination, and he talks. And any, anything that you don't want in your body, it deletes it through the vortex, then vortexing, this is something that we don't understand yet.

Tracy Duhs (32:08):

That's so powerful and just unbelievable. But it's like when you vortex something about the vortex knows how to delete everything that we don't want in our bodies, but draw in the minerals and the nutrition and the things that we do need. I just, I did a podcast with Gary Greenfield and he explains it really well. If you go to my podcast, hydrate and look for the Gary Greenfield show, it's, it's interesting how he took sewage water and only vortex it. He had it going through a vortex for two weeks. Oh wow. And he tested the water and it, it was pure. And it only had good minerals in it. And I was like, how is that even possible? And it there's so much to uncover with water, but it's like, I don't understand how vortex, I don't completely understand how it does this, but <affirmative>, it does it deletes the information that our bodies don't need. And it draws in what we do need.

Kristina Furia (33:05):

Wow. That's wild sewage water to become pure.

Tracy Duhs (33:09):

<laugh>. I know. I, I was like, I was shocked when you said this, but it was just, God, it got me so excited. It's like, you know, goosebumps. It just like, wow, this is so cool. And then, but you look at nature and we can always learn from nature. When a rain drops coming down from the sky, it's spinning and vortexing, it's moving. Um, when your water's coming out of the stream, it's moving, it's vortexing. It's had living frequency, that's alive, and we want our water to be alive. So when you take your filtered water that you added minerals to, we wanna bring it back to life, energize it, put that information back inside of it. That's living. And I use a machine that ha uses sacred. It's not a machine, that's an apparatus that's made out of pure gold, 24, Kara gold. And then it it's, uh, it's coded in 20 carrot gold.

Tracy Duhs (34:01):

And then it goes through these sacred minerals and it does a left and right spin vortex and, uh, uses sacred geometry, the, the notchy sequencing to, um, inform the water. Wow. So I don't know, you know, we're still learning so much is just the perfect way to do it. I don't know. But I do know that I feel better. I'm more hydrated, everyone, that of our patients that has one knows that they have to drink less water. They feel more hydrated. So it's, it's really doing something. I know that science is going to keep progressing and we're gonna learn that what we're doing now could be even be better and better and better. And I'm, I'm excited that we're gonna keep growing that way. But for now it's the best thing that I know to do to make living spring water in my own home.

Kristina Furia (34:49):

So when you say this whole idea of like, you know, vortexing, is this apparatus that you have kind of the only way to do that, or, I don't know. I'm just like trying to keep it simple here. If one were to literally just like agitate water by shaking it up, would that be bringing it back to life in some way or doesn't really work like that?

Tracy Duhs (35:10):

Um, I wouldn't say shaking it up is gonna do that, but there are many ways to vortex the water. Yes. There's water. There's a company called water. Vitalizer that sends the water into vortex. Now I haven't personally test did this in a lab, so I don't know really, if it's gonna pass that fourth phase water test that Gerald has, because that's what, um, I usually look to is Gerald Pollock's fourth phase water test to see if these apparatus actually create that fourth phase of water, uh, which is the H 3 0 2, which is that structured water, that honeycomb structure that we want because it hydrates us better and it's, uh, living. So I don't know if the Vitalizer does, but um, people can try it and see how they feel. I mean, that one only costs like, I don't know, 200 bucks, um, you can even start to restructure water by putting it in a cold dark place, you know, as long as the water has minerals in it, and you put it in a cold dark place, they'll start to structure itself. <affirmative> um, that there there's other vortex devices on the market that, that you can look for and it just play, you know, just experiment and see how you feel. Even putting botanicals in your water botanicals are made of fourth phase water, a lemon, um, a lime Q. If, if you look at the cells of botanical, they're made of H 3 0 2 fourth phase water, and you can add that into the water that you're drinking, and that does have a benefit to it.

Kristina Furia (36:51):

Interesting. So I'm learning here that I actually have more work to do on my water, cuz I've gotten to the point. So I have of reverse osmosis water that I, then, you know, this probably not the right word, but like reinfuse with minerals. So like my water, like basin it, sit, it sits in the water, sits in minerals. Um, but I don't do anything after, after that. I just drink it. So I'm gonna look into this whole vortex and I'm, I also like the idea of putting it into a dark room, especially because I'm always looking for like, how do I keep things simple? You know, how do I not, you know, need to keep going out and buying things and whatever. And it's like, okay, I can just keep it in a dark room. Like that feels easy and doable and yeah, it's just, that's a really great suggestion. So thank you for that. I, I appreciate it.

Tracy Duhs (37:41):

Yeah. So that would be like the refrigerator, you know, if you wanna take your RO water, put minerals in it and then put it in the refrigerator that's overnight and wake up in the morning, you know, you're gonna have done something good to your water. Great. Totally.

Kristina Furia (37:57):

A refrigerator is a dark room. <laugh> thank you for pointing that out.

Tracy Duhs (38:00):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it, it is, it, it can be simple. I mean there's good, better and best, right. Um, water is so dynamic that we could probably study it for the rest of our lives and never even understand it. So I, I don't know what best is because I'm not God, but I do know that there's good and better. And I know that what I'm doing to my water now is far superior than what I was drinking in the past when I was constipated and, you know, not able to go to the bathroom and it, it was a severe de hydration thing. And it was because I was had a mineral imbalance and that affected my pregnancy. It affected my bowel movements. It affected, affected how I felt it affected my skin. I had severe breakouts. And then, you know, those things start to cascade into downward spirals.

Tracy Duhs (38:47):

And I believe that's how really severe illnesses become. Um, <affirmative> becomes so apparent in our bodies because they start out as something simple and it just downwards spiral, downward cascade in, in our, in our system. And so if we can stay hydrated, we're going to be really preventing many, many from our body. That's just my personal opinion, but I, I really believe all dehydration leads to inflammation and all inflammation is connected to disease. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so once again, that's an oversimplification, but it's something to really help you think it's thought provoking. And it's something that we can go. Hmm. I have an opportunity to really look at my water and hydrate myself to prevent as a preventative measure and just to feel good.

Kristina Furia (39:51):

Yeah. And I love that you say, you know, like good, better, best, because it sort of alleviates some of, of the pressure, you know, like if you are listening to this and you haven't had an awareness about water before now, you don't think you need to suddenly, you know, go crazy and like, you know, have a, a massive overhaul of your water all in one moment, you know, this is something that you can just work on, improving over time with small decisions and small chain changes, you know, including trace. I was looking at your stories on Instagram a week or two ago. And you were, um, you were like with a friend and you were in a store basically like reviewing all of the waters and why they were wrong. And I was like, laughing, cause you were like, Nope, not this, not this. And your friend was like, um, this is annoying.

Kristina Furia (40:35):

But like, it was, it was a health because you found like you pointed out that basically when it's just filtered water, that's not going to be as good of an option as when it's like fr fresh from, you know, like the spring or the source. So even just in a store when you're buying a bottle of water or like, you know, some sparkling water thing, just like checking the back to see, you know, what the origin of the water is. And like, that's something that is, you know, it only takes a second and it's, you know, relatively easy to do.

Tracy Duhs (41:10):

Absolutely. Yeah. Just like you look at the label, hopefully you look at the label of the food that you're buying because it matters the water matters just as much, if not more, in my opinion.

Kristina Furia (41:24):

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And like I said, you know, I think a lot of people don't really know that. And so it's just empowering information to just take and begin incorporating into your awareness going, going forward.

Tracy Duhs (41:38):

Yes, absolutely. I always look at it as opportunities. Right. Don't get stressed out at, like you said, if anyone's listening to this and they're like, oh my God, I have all these things to do. And it's so complicated. It's like, look at the opportunity. If you simply just start adding to your water, like Canton minerals that have all 78 trace elements, you're doing yourself a really, really beneficial thing today. And it's better than what you're doing yesterday. And how awesome is that?

Kristina Furia (42:08):

Yes. Yeah, absolutely. And I love that you say that because truly is one of those things that it's just about making small improvements little by little in ways that feel good. It's not about, you know, becoming stressed out in the process because obviously that has its own, you know, adverse reaction. So yeah, just taking this information, this amazing information that Tracy has just gifted to us and, you know, just allowing it to be something that you take with you in all the best ways.

Tracy Duhs (42:39):

Yeah, absolutely. We're all teaching each other. I love that. And I love that. <laugh> yes. You teach me so many things, Christina, I'm always learning from you and teaching each other. It's just, it's just a blessing. It's such a

Kristina Furia (42:52):

Blessing. Absolutely. And one of, of the, one of my most favorite things about, you know, this, this digital age that we're living in this age of social media, you know, we all have access to information and to one another in ways that we otherwise wouldn't and it really is a blessing.

Tracy Duhs (43:10):

Yeah. I love it. Especially when there's such fear mongering. Yeah, yeah. Have community and people that we can go, no, we can choose love over fear and together we're stronger and we can work together and we're all gonna be okay. Not just, okay, we're gonna thrive and we're gonna be better than we were yesterday. Cause we choose to be Hmm.

Kristina Furia (43:32):

Such beautiful words. And on that note, I think we will conclude because that is just such a brilliant ending to this lovely conversation. So thank you so much, Tracy, for sharing your wisdom with us truly, there's just so much here and I'm sure we could talk for like another hour about all of the different things that you teach and, and know and share, but we will leave it here for now. And, and just thank you. Thank you so much for, for agreeing to come on.

Tracy Duhs (44:00):

Oh, thank you for having me. I feel so blessed and I'll look forward to talking to you and seeing you soon

Kristina Furia (44:05):

And before you go, just will you share where folks can learn more about your work and all of the amazing things that you do?

Tracy Duhs (44:14):

Absolutely. So I'm very active on Instagram. You can find me at Tracy dues. That's T R a C Y. And um, and then the last name is dues, D U H S. And same thing with my website, Tracy You can find out about my luxury retreats, my podcast, my book, about to launch called hydrate, which has all my magical lickers in it. And a lot of my tips for how to thrive and be healthy in this modern world.

Kristina Furia (44:47):

Awesome. So go check her out. Thank you again, Tracy, out to talk to

Tracy Duhs (44:50):

You soon. Thanks so much by Christina.

Kristina Furia (44:57):

I'm Christina fur, and this is the, your new frequency podcast. If you like what you heard it would mean so much. If you would press subscribe and leave me a review to let me know what you think so far, I'll see you next time. I.