Your New Frequency with Kristina Furia

Daring to Feel Good (or at least try!) When the World Feels Like it's Upside-Down

Kristina Furia Season 1 Episode 14

Kristina shares a series of reflections on endeavoring to feel good and consciously pursue a fulfilling and, dare-she-say, HAPPY life in this time of collective upheaval. From climate change to social injustice, Kristina ponders the perspective that it's not "appropriate" or that it's far too privileged a thing to pursue FEELING GOOD in these crazy times. She goes on to make a counter-argument to that stance as well touching on her personal experience, how each of us can make a noteworthy positive impact on the world, and briefly explores the perspectives of Wayne Dyer and David Hawkins on the subject matter.

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Welcome to the Your New Frequency podcast with me, Kristina Furia, this podcast is all about teaching you how to tap into the hidden potential that exists within an all around you. There is so much more to life than what most of us have been taught, and we are so much more powerful than what most of us can even fathom. So my intention is to help you to not just understand that intellectually, but to develop such a deeply felt sense of inner knowing that there is no other conceivable choice except to embody this truth and to use it to go forward in creating a life that you are absolutely in love with welcome to season two, I am so pumped to be back with you all in this way. So since last season was my very first season, never had a podcast before. It was really a season of trial and error of just, you know, testing things out and kind of feeling into what it is that I really wanted to share with you all.

So as a result of that learning, you will find that season two looks and feels a little bit different. The main thing is that this season is going to be full of many more solo episodes because based on the feedback that I've gotten from you all, and also just based on my internal feedback from myself, it's really become clear that those solo episodes are really the most powerful offerings that I can make for you all. And, you know, I think it's just because in the solo episodes, I have more of an opportunity to just give an authentic offering, to just share with you openly and transparently about what's been on my mind, what I think will be a value for you to hear to learn about. And so I'm really, really excited to share with you in this new way. So we are about to move into episode one, which is just a short little episode that I recorded about the subject of daring to pursue happiness, daring, to pursue feeling good in this period of time in society in the world where a lot of things seem like they're going wrong.

So this episode was really to me really just because this is something that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. So I hope that you will give it a listen. And I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about it. So if you have a comment that you'd love to make, you can head to the episode notes to learn how to reach out to me directly. And of course you can feel free to leave a review as well. Have a listen. I've been thinking a lot lately about really just like whether or not I have the right whether or not it is ridiculously privileged and entitled of me to not just endeavor, to feel good myself on an ongoing basis to endeavor, to feel happy myself on an ongoing basis, but also to talk about it publicly, you know, like my work is about teaching you how to live a life that you love and how to feel good doing it.

And it's a really crazy time in the world. And so I've been thinking about it. Should I change my message in some way? Should I, you know, just scale it back until things become less crazy in the world. And you know, the thing with that really is, well, one, I don't know when things are going to become less crazy. So there's that, you know, we've gone through so, so much in the last couple of years, I mean the pandemic shutdowns, um, insane politics, my God, the craziest things I've ever seen in politics happening, social injustice, so much social injustice, climate change and the impact it's had on human beings, people suffering other things, the economy, you know, so much just so many different things. And it's going to take time for the world to figure out how to, how to improve upon those things, how to resolve them, you know, and so really, I guess the answer that has been coming through for me is that we all have to keep going, that I have to keep going and not scale back my message because ultimately when I wake up and do the very best that I can to feel good and to vibrate high, I am doing my part in the world.

You know, I used to think that doing my part was that I would wake up every day and read the news. I thought that my was to be informed. And I remember this probably four or five years ago, one day I was just kind of thinking like, what does that do? What does me being informed do? Because all I really can do outside of be informed is just, you know, vote and can talk about it with my friends and my family, whatever the issue of the moment is, but I don't have a lot of power to change anything. So what really is the point? And that bothered me. It really bothered me the first time I thought that because I had committed my entire adult life and honestly, part of my teenage years as well, to knowing as much as I possibly could about what was going on in the world.

I wanted to know all about politics, like the ins and outs of the government. I mean, I spent time on these things and so questioning it was upsetting, especially because the answer I got upon questioning it was that, yeah, you're being informed, doesn't offer a whole lot. And you know, this isn't, uh, an argument against being informed because of course we all need to, we can't just be blind to what's happening in the world with awareness. There is an opportunity to create change. So I am not saying that that's not what people should do, particularly if you feel called to it. You know, for me, I, at this moment in my life, I usually feel called to keep up on what's happening in the world in a very broad sense of the term. So normally about probably every five to seven days, I'll check out, what's gone on in the news and I do it with a lot of intention.

I don't do it first thing in the morning or right before bed and do it in the middle of the day when it's hopefully least likely to have a negative impact on how I'm feeling on what's happening with my thinking. You know, there's, there's been some, some research done a good amount of research, actually that shows that when we check the news in the morning, it can have a negative impact on our mood for up to eight hours, which of course is like most of the day. So anyway, without getting off on a tangent on that, really I have come to the conclusion that for me, and I hope for many of you listening as well, that the best thing that I can do even as the world is like feeling literally like it's upside down and backwards is to vibrate higher, to do what I can do to show up in the world, feeling good, having my energy be as clear as possible and to come from the, the vibration of love.

Because ultimately when I do that, when you do that, when as many people as possible do that, we become a more powerful collective. And even individually, just as, as one person doing this, we become more powerful than, than the other way around. Because ultimately when we vibrate high, when we come from love, when we feel good, we actually make a small shift to the collective energy. We make a small shift to the energy of the entire planet, the entire universe, even. So that to me is the reason to keep going. That to me is the reason to proudly say that, yes, this is how I live. And yes, this is what I teach. This is what I share with the world, because if enough of us can do this work, if enough of us can realize that doing this work makes a difference, we will make a change.

The collective will make change. We already are making change, but that change will grow and evolve as we up level as we vibrate higher. And so yes, there is a lot going on and yes, sometimes it's distressing, but I know that my energy and yours is going to be better invested by coming from those higher frequencies, rather than dropping down into grief, into sadness, into fear. You know, we live in a world where fear, especially now more than ever fear is the predominant frequency that we are all living on or not all of us, but most of us. And when we choose to transcend those frequencies, it just changes things. It changes us. It changes the experience of what it is to be inside of this body inside of this life. But like I said, it changes the world around us as well. And so I will choose that day after day after day, even though to be perfectly honest, sometimes I have to deal with the backlash that I don't like.

Sometimes I get notes from people or comments from people saying, you know, this would be all really well and good, but the world is basically imploding. So what the hell are you talking about? And for those of you who know me, well, you may know I can be a sensitive person. And also I can be a person who just really wants to do everything right. And so getting comments like that sometimes has felt like I must not be doing something right, but that's not true. I am living my truth. I am living my version of doing it right. And so I'm going to keep going. And I hope that you'll keep going with me in endeavoring to live a high vibe life endeavoring, to live a life that feels good to you because you deserve it. And also the world deserves it. And to illuminate my point, I just wanted to share this quote from Wayne Dyer.

He said, "one individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels." That's from Wayne Dyer and this, I believe makes reference to a book written by David Hawkins called Power vs Force, which is such a fascinating book because he spent a number of years researching and actually measuring the frequency, the level that people were vibrating on and really the impact that their vibration makes on the world around them. And so David Hawkins, his book is an all of his work really is widely respected. He goes on to talk about how, when we learn to vibrate at these higher frequencies, we quite literally do change the world. And with that to go even further, we can even solve. If enough of us were to calibrate our energies onto truly high frequencies, we could solve all of the world's biggest problems, whether it be climate change or poverty or famine or war or anything else we could solve all of those problems just simply by enough of us vibrating higher.

So I wanted to share that with you all, just to, like I said, really just speak to this point that I'm making this isn't something that I'm just making up. This is something that has been studied by people over the last period of time. So I think that's important to note too. Well, I hope you enjoyed this first episode back and I want us to just take a quick second to share with you and exciting event. I have coming up actually next week, beginning on Tuesday, October 26, and then continuing on the 27th and the 28th that Thursday, I will be hosting an event called the embodiment effect, which is a three-day event. That is it's totally free. And it is a deep dive into how to practice in body movement in a way that will allow you to collapse time, meaning dramatically shorten the amount of time that it takes to create new results in your life, in any area. And to begin to show up in the world as your future self, the version of you that you have been dreaming of becoming. So that event, the embodiment effect, like I said, it's happening October 26th, 27th and 28th at 12:00 PM Pacific time, 3:00 PM Eastern. And if you would love to sign up for that, you can go ahead and grab the link from the episode notes. I will look forward to seeing you there.

I'm Kristina Furia and this is the Your New Frequency podcast. If you like what you heard it would mean so much if you would press subscribe and leave me a review to let me know what you think so far, I'll see you next week.